Perdita Phillips - Rock Love
Artgold hosted the exhibition "Rock Love" by Fremantle-based artist Perdita Phillips. Held at Artgold’s gallery at 14 Burt Street, Boulder, from November 16 to 29, 2024, the exhibition offered a captivating exploration of the Goldfields' landscapes, both past and present.
In "Rock Love," Phillips presented a compelling collection of mixed media works that drew inspiration from her research into the region’s history and geology. Through a combination of prints, photographs, and short animations, Phillips engaged with archival materials from the Museum of the Goldfields, particularly focusing on historical woodlines. The exhibition invited visitors to reflect on their connection to the environment and reconsider the ways in which the land’s history and natural features shape our contemporary understanding of the region.
Exhibition of work by Len & Anne Harmalin
On Saturday, October 5, 2024, the Artgold Gallery hosted an exhibition showcasing the work of Len Harmalin, a ceramic artist with over 30 years of experience. Len's stunning ceramics, which were available for purchase, reflected his deep dedication to his craft and his passion for mentoring emerging artists through pottery lessons. The exhibition also featured the exquisite quilts of his wife, Anne Harmalin, whose intricate designs captivated visitors and highlighted her exceptional quilting skills. Together, their works offered a beautiful celebration of artistry, craftsmanship, and community.
Len’s artistic journey, which began after his retirement, was influenced by renowned artists like John Brit and Hsinchuen Lin. His ceramics are housed in collections across Western Australia, and he continues to inspire others through teaching at Kalgoorlie College and private lessons. Anne's quilts complemented Len's ceramics, bringing warmth and texture to the exhibition. The event was a tribute to the Harmalins' lifelong commitment to the arts and their significant contributions to the Kalgoorlie-Boulder community.
Midnight Musings
Midnight Musings, an exhibition and runway event curated by local textile artist Kelly Arcaro, celebrated textiles and wearable art at the Artgold Gallery in Boulder from September 19 to October 1, 2024. The event began with a captivating runway showcase, highlighting the intricate relationships between art, sensory experiences, and personal narratives. Arcaro brought together an exceptional group of local textile artists, including Fatima Foord, Rose Mitchell, Judumul Aboriginal Corporation, and Linda Rae, offering visitors a tactile journey through unique textures, colors, and patterns. The exhibition also featured the award-winning garment The Shedding by NSW artist Donna Vo, symbolizing the shedding of societal ideals of femininity, as well as costume designs from Annette Carmichael's collaborative project, The Stars Descend.
The exhibition emphasised the transformative power of creativity and connection, inviting guests to reflect on their own narratives while engaging with the tactile nature of wearable art. Supported by Anglogold Ashanti and The City of Kalgoorlie Boulder, the event was complemented by catering from Minniegootha Catering, creating a truly immersive and inspiring experience for the Boulder community.
Djilba Wildflower - Paintings by Courtney Garlett
Djilba Wildflower by Ballardong Noongar artist Courtney Garlett. This debut exhibition captures the essence of culture and family heritage through her vibrant art. Now living and working in the Goldfields, her work is a tribute to storytelling, blending personal experiences with ancestral symbols and narratives.
GMA Small Endeavours SYMBIOSIS Exhibition
When Members are Challenged to Work Small - Small Endeavours, your favourite 'little' Golden Mile Art members exhibition will be hosted at the New Artgold inc. Gallery at 14 Burt St this year.
The 2024 Optional exhibition theme is 'SYMBIOSIS'
Reclaim The Void - Kalgoorlie-Boulder Hub Celebration
Celebrating the Kalgoorlie-Boulder community involvement in the Reclaim the Void Project that currently consists of 3,000 rugs and still counting, contributed from communities all over Australia, and around the world.
Reclaim the Void was born from Ngalia elders in Leonora, Western Australia, expressing their pain and grief at ‘those gaping mining holes left all over our country’. The vision is to create a huge ‘dot’ artwork to lay on land affected by mining, created from 3,000 hand-woven rugs made from discarded fabric by people from around Australia and beyond. The finished artwork, inspired by an original painting by passed Ngalia elder and custodian for country, DW (below) will express the story of the country on which it is laid, on Ngalia tjukurrpa parna - sacred country - in the north-east Goldfields.
Palya Walkaly-Walkalypa
An exhibition in collaboration with Eastern Goldfieds Regional Prison,
.The Palya Walkaly-Walkalypa (Good Coloured Patterns) exhibition features artworks created inside Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison.
Corrective Services’ art program helps prisoners stay connected with Culture and Country, while providing an opportunity to undertake Certificate-level courses and even tertiary art studies.
Ebb + Flow Exhibition
In 2021 and 2022 an artist from each region of Western Australia explored the theme of Ebb+Flow through a residency in WA's Mid West. These residencies culminated in the Ebb+Flow exhibition celebrating a collection of works created by the artists with the community.
The Ebb+Flow theme explores how changes in our personal lives and regional communities are often temporary. That there are periods of decline and growth, drought and rain, hardship and prosperity... that factors outside of our control ebb+flow.
The works in the Ebb+Flow exhibition were created during residencies supported by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries; Lotterywest; Minderoo Foundation; and the Regional Arts Fund.
Open Borders Erosion Exhibition
The Open Borders regional events series was a unique initiative of The Creative Grid - a collective of like-minded arts organisations that collaborate on projects seeding, sharing and promoting regional creativity.
Participating communities included: Geraldton, Broome, Dwellingup, Denmark, Esperance, Carnamah, Kununurra, Port Hedland, Ravensthorpe, Kalgoorlie, Northcliffe, Narrogin, Margaret River and Gascoyne Junction.
160 visual artists contributed to the 12 group exhibitions with approx 10 performers contributing to the performance-based activities.
Erosion was exhibited at the Artgold gallery in December 2022.
During two week-long festivals in May 2017 and 2018, Artgold presented Heartwalk. Over 60 contemporary murals were installed on building walls and empty shop windows in the Kalgoorlie CBD by visiting and local artists.
This 4km self-guided walking trail is best enjoyed over 3 hours, with plenty of cafe breaks to restore your energy! Maps are available from Artgold - 14 Burt Street Boulder