POV 1.2 2018


Black Crow Studios (back laneway)
11 Boulder Rd, Kalgoorlie


"The artwork is a composition of deconstructed organic and geometric elements. Exploring the idea idea that our own limited point of view can warp, change and limit our own perception of reality.

The work is designed to use the buildings interesting weathered surface as the background and key part of the mural. The colour palette is one i use in almost all my mural works but with the inclusion of more warmer reds and oranges referencing the red dirt and desert environment of the goldfields.

The clouds or explosions are derived from traditional graffiti art, comics and anime. They represent the barrage of infomation/misinformation we are assulted with during our daily life. The geometric elements are inspired by the suprematist art movement of the early 20th century. The gridded geometric plane represents a lens or point of view from which we view the world and our tendency to oversimplify and categorize. The drips are a very common motif in graffiti art and in this composition are meant to illustrate how our “lens” can totally change and distort and warp our reality.

The work is a reminder for us to attempt to see things from multiple perspectives and to try and maintain a mind that is open to many realities or points of view.”


Andrew Frazer


Kyle Hughes-Odgers