Buodoon Edie Ulrich
Going out Bush 2018


Auto Pro Kalgoorlie
331 Hannan St, Kalgoorlie


"This mural represents my family tradition of going out bush hunting and gathering bush foods such as gnarrmarrngas (honey ants), loongies (witchetty grubs) and karlkurlas (bush pears). Waterholes and creek beds are popular spots for us to sit by; swim in or search for more bush foods. As a family spending time together around the campfire eating, yarning, and enjoying each others company makes our outings extra special. Wildflower season is beautiful to witness. Plenty of everlastings and marlu gooroo (sturt’s desert pea) The transformation this makes to the bush is inspiring and the blend of colours is beautiful.”

Father emu and chicks* by Danny & Nikki Ulrich
”After the mother emu lays the eggs, she goes away and the father emu sits on the nest to incubate the eggs. Once hatched the chicks follow the father emu for protection until they are old enough to out out on their own.”

Edie, Danny and Nikki would like to acknowledge the assistance of Marjorie Stubbs, Umbimi Newman, Amber Cowled, Stormy Cowled & Monika Dvorak in the creation of their mural.


Lundy Carol Thompson


Michelle Warren